+49 511 410448-0 info@newsroom.works

Directly above the display of the weekdays you will find an elementary function of the calendar view: The preset selection filters available to you.


Here, you can select with one click which information is relevant for you and should be displayed accor- dingly. The display options are:

  • All information available for the selected period.
  • Only the information from the central communication unit (for example, corporate communications).
  • Only the information of your own Unit(s).
  • Only the information concerning your Market or Markets.
  • Only your Activities.
  • Only your media types.

The selected button is highlighted in colour. You can also search for specific information in the free text search box, with a term such as „white socks” or „coffee”. If data stored in the selected time frame contains the search terms „white socks” or „coffee”, only this information is displayed.